
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2018

Ini 5 Beauty Influencer Indonesia yang Perlu Anda Follow Agar Selalu Update Dengan Informasi Kecantikan Terkini

Di era milennial semua informasi bisa Anda dapatkan melalui internet. Bahkan untuk bisa jago makeup dan tahu soal dunia kecantikan kini bisa dilakukan secara otodidak, lho. Yang terpenting Anda tidak malas menggali informasi melalui berbagai akun yang punya kredibilitas baik. Tidak hanya dari media, beberapa  beauty influencer  juga cocok jadi sumber dalam menambah wawasan seputar dunia kecantikan. Kira-kira siapa saja sih beauty influencer lokal yang wajib Anda follow? Yuk, simak 5 profil yang jadi rekomendasi beauty Journal berikut ini. 1. Amalia Hayati – Deszell Suka bereksperimen dengan skin care? Atau sedang mencari produk skin care yang kira-kira cocok dengan Anda? Kalau iya, Anda wajib follow  beauty influencer  yang satu ini. Amalia Hayati atau yang dikenal dengan nama  Deszell  ini dikenal sebagai skin care expert di industri kecantikan tanah air .  Berbagai jenis skin care yang dicoba Deszell ...

Kalau Kata Beauty Influencer, Suhay Salim, Inilah Skincare yang Harus Kamu Beli!

Published by  IA  on  27 March 2018 Kalau ngepoin beauty influencer sudah menjadi bagian dari rutinitas kamu sehari-hari, pastinya kamu pernah dengar salah satu beauty vlogger bernama  Suhay Salim . Memiliki followers sebanyak 250,000 di akun Instagram dan subscribers sebanyak 360K di Youtube, Suhay Salim memiliki gaya bicara yang cuek, blak-blakan, dan jujur. Menjadi salah satu dari sekian banyak orang yang ngepoin,  Shopee  terobsesi dengan salah satu video yang Suhay unggah di Youtube, berisi produk skincare yang berhasil ia habiskan dan oleh karenanya ia sarankan. Dalam video berjudul ‘Product Empties,’ Suhay berbagi lebih dari 10 produk yang telah ia gunakan hingga habis dan  worth to repurchase.  Apa saja sih produk-produknya? Yuk intip di sini. THE NEOGEN BIO-PEEL GAUZE PEELING Rutin mengeksfoliasi wajah satu hingga dua kali dalam seminggu penting untuk mendapatkan kulit yang mulus dan glowing. Eksfoliator tidak harus ber...

In What Order Do I Apply My Skin Care Products?

BY GRACEE TOLENTINO · AUGUST 9, 2018     Does it really matter when and in what order you apply your skin care products? We asked because we never felt the need to worry about the order in which we eat our food. (After all, don’t we absorb the same amount of sugar in sweets even if we eat them last?) So we asked the skin experts the same question we ask ourselves every time we buy a new skin care product or add another step to our routine: In what order should I apply my skin care products and does it matter? Sequence Matters, Here’s Why According to board-certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon, Dr. Heather Rogers, applying your skin care products in the proper order ensures that your skin receives the full benefits of each product. “The order of application is incredibly important,” says Dr. Rogers. “The skin’s job is to keep things out, but many of the skin care products we use have ingredients we want to get in. Only a very small amount of th...

I Tried a 10-Step Korean Skin-Care Regimen for a Week, and Here Are the Results

I tried every last step, and here's what you need to know. Share via Pinterest From essences to sheet masks, Korean beauty products and trends are taking over the American beauty market. Everyone is talking about the 10-step routine that is popular among the skin-centric women of Seoul. But it's a total exaggeration. The first thing I learned when taking on this experiment: A week on a Korean skin-care regimen does not mean a 10-step process every day. “It’s a misconception that you’re supposed to be doing all 10 steps every single day,” Charlotte Cho, the board-certified esthetician behind  Soko Glam  and author of  The Little Book of Skin Care , tells SELF. “It’s more about the different variety of products that can be used, depending on your skin concerns and skin type.” For women who are coming from a two or three-step routine, this type of 10-step commitment will likely dwindle down to 5. As a skin-care fanatic (and a be...